How can the Saint Ursula Jakarta Campus Survive in the era of Globalization

By: Ivana M.A. Ginting/14, Kathleen Aurelia/17, Maria Theresia P. K./24

Globalization has affected many sectors throughout the years including the education sector. Saint Ursula Campus which is known as an old school, also has the idea to keep up with the times and as a form to actualize it, they start to make use of technology as a way to help students study from 2019 until this day. Levina and Nicole have been studying at the Saint Ursula Campus for 13 years since 2010 and have experienced many changes from this Campus, but how do schools implement the current use of technology?

Globalization according to National Geographic is a term used to describe the increasing connectedness and interdependence of world cultures and economies. Over time, globalization has become a necessity in order to keep up with the revolution of the times. The Saint Ursula Campus has continued to keep up with the times using the vision “Learning community with SERVIAM character, global perspective, and technology-based”. According to Nicole from the High School unit, the changes are certain from pencil and notebooks to tablets and laptops. She also provides comparisons to her time at Saint Ursula Kindergarten where the regular blackboard was now replaced by a smart board.Meanwhile, Levina said, “There have been a lot of changes, especially from the pandemic to the new normal, because before the pandemic the schools were still in the old version and construction had just started during the pandemic. Then when I entered after the pandemic was over, everything was like a new building and everything was really different from my kindergarten, the most different, and now everything looks technology-based, especially since there are lots of TVs installed everywhere and then using Benq (smartboard) in every class. Meanwhile, the uniforms are the same as before. Maybe it's different from kindergarten to senior high, of course the attributes are different, but there's no change at all and you still have to be neat and polite. The vision for the school has indeed been changed and the logo has also been changed several times in this school. Yes, the vision that feels the most is based on technology because there are real examples.There have been a lot of changes, especially from the pandemic to the new normal because before the pandemic the schools were still in the old version and construction had just started during the pandemic. Then after the pandemic everything started to change like a new building and all the facilities and infrastructure were different. Since Kindergarten-High school, that is the most different thing and now it seems that everything is technology-based, especially
since there are already many TVs everywhere to provide information, then use Benq in class as a useful digital whiteboard, said Levina.”
The conclusion is Saint Ursula School has changed a lot from year to year. Although this school has been operating for 165 years with various generations, it doesn't close the possibility that this school can follow globalization.